The mighty Dettifoss

Day 16 / 07
What a great day, Dettifoss with sunlight and rainbows, was enjoying the amazing landscape from the Mývatn main attractions when the crowds were gone at evening and also had an awesome time yesterday night in a secrect exceptional cave and canyon with hot water 40-42°c with a Canadian and a German guy and an Icelandic local girl who showed us the entrance down in the cave 🙂

Iceland never stops to amaze me

Day 15 / 06
drove to the highlands over the F910 with river crossings about 40cm with different terrain (sharp lava rocks,  difficult rocky passage, wooden bridges, deep holes, stones, sand, water)  and left the highlands over the F88 with river crossings about 70cm with (solid gravel, sand, narrow curvy rocky passages, water) great fun to drive this roads, sometime it felt like playing Colin McRae even it was real when the car drifted 🙂